Our History

It was 1982 and the missions agency Greg Livingstone was recruiting for had hit capacity. It was then that Greg, soon-to-be founder of Frontiers, realized God was calling him to a new challenge: to go where the need was greatest and reach all Muslim peoples with the redemptive message of Jesus Christ.

“Greg, you must stop recruiting; we’re full. We’re getting swamped with applicants.”

Greg envisioned a new movement committed to bringing the Good News to the least reached corners of the world. He pictured a wave of people willing to go to some of the hardest-to-reach places to share Jesus Christ’s message of salvation with Muslims. And so Frontiers was born.

Frontiers now sends from thirty countries across six continents. Through recruiting, training, sending, and serving church-planting teams, Frontiers is helping catalyze reproducing movements to Christ among Muslims.

With love and respect, we invite all Muslim peoples to follow Jesus—and dream of the day we see the Good News brought to every tribe, language, people, and nation (Revelation 5:9).

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